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ちなみにアメリカの場合、気象学会(American Meteorological Society)が年4回、"Weather, Climate, and Society"という学会誌を発行しています(詳しくはこちら)。その学会誌の紹介をホームページから引用すると以下のとおりです。
Weather, Climate, and Society, a quarterly journal of the American Meteorological Society, publishes scientific research and analysis on the interactions of weather and climate with society. The journal encompasses economic, policy, institutional, social, behavioral, and international research, including mitigation and adaptation to weather and climate change. Articles may focus on a broad range of topics at the interface of weather and/or climate and society, including the socioeconomic, policy, or technological influences on weather and climate, the socioeconomic or cultural impacts of weather and climate, ethics and equity issues associated with weather, climate, and society, and the historical and cultural contexts of weather, climate, and society. Because of the interdisciplinary subject matter, articles that involve both natural/physical scientists and social scientists are particularly encouraged.
"Weather, Climate, and Society"はその名のとおり、気象現象と社会のかかわりを学際的に扱っている雑誌です。この専門誌が刊行され始めたのは2009年のことです。
